In the end each of our lives will have a life sentence. A life’s legacy boiled down to a headline. In Acts 13 we see just this as Paul is speaking and David is given the life sentence: “he serves the purpose of God in his generation.” What a legacy. And if you’ve ever read about David’s life from beginning to end, you realize the ridiculous amounts of resilience and toughness if took David to get there. So many traumatic and harrowing experiences littered David’s life, and yet he fought to the final bell. Do we walk in the same level of resilience? How do we grow to David’s level of resilience? We’ll dig into perhaps the lowest point of David’s life in 1 Samuel 30 and see how he “encouraged himself in the Lord” and found the strength to keep moving forward. We all will have a life sentence – let’s make it count and see it through to the end!