I hope this series on Shalom has been as inspiring and convicting for you as it has for me! Don’t settle for a cheap imitation for the real peace that Jesus promises, that Scripture directs, that the Holy Spirit illuminates, and that God expects. There are too many people, too many books, too many movements that are all leading people away from the richness of life that God ordained for us to have this side of heaven. It is not a life without misery, or sacrifice or hardship or suffering…but it most certainly should NOT be a life without Shalom! As we have said time and again throughout this series: Shalom is a deep sense of wellbeing and goodness that is anchored in Jesus. And in order for our Shalom to be full, complete it must draw its peace from four primary relationships: with God, with myself, with others, and with creation. Each week we have explored one of these four and other aspects of this comprehensive study on Biblical Shalom. Tonight we finish the series by examining the Shalom we experience by being at peace with creation and being at peace with others. Enjoy!
by City Life