One of the core values of the Kingdom of God is that it is generational! We serve a Generational
Toward Togetherness Part Two
Our middle son graduated from college last weekend. There must have been over thirty thousand
Humble Ambition
Do you want to be great? The proper answer inside the 4 walls of a church may seem more along the
A Tale of Two Mothers
This Mother's Day we are honored to host Pastor Cheryl You, pastor of Freedom Life Church's Norfolk
Easter Rewind – Towards Togetherness
So where do we go from here? That’s the question we are asking as we enter the home stretch for this
Easter Rewind – Palm Sunday Part Two
Will you untie your worship because the Lord has need of you? Last week we jumped into the story of
Easter Rewind – Palm Sunday Part One
Hosanna! This sacred Hebraic declaration has a two-fold meaning. First they are saying to Jesus
Easter Rewind – The Last Supper
Typoglycemia. Yes, that’s a real word! It is and I quote, “the ability to understand words when
Easter Rewind – Good Friday
Good. When you see that word, what is the first thing that comes to mind? My guess it is something