Every father needs a brotherhood. Too many men are independent to the extreme at the expense of much needed friendships. And these friendships are vital if we are going to be the best fathers, the greatest fathers, fathers whose children feel favored by God that He chose to place them in their family. And when those friendships go deep, those men become like brothers to us. That kind of brotherhood gives us a trail for follow, a tribe to belong, and a tribute to hear. During this Father’s Day sermon, we will look at these three benefits of brotherhood. All of us can easily get lost in the challenges of fatherhood…we need a trail to follow. All of us can feel isolated and trapped in the demands of fatherhood…we need a tribe to belong. All of us can feel ill-equipped by the expectations of fatherhood because of who our father wasn’t to us…we need a tribute to hear. Brotherhood gives these to me and I give them in turn. Brotherhood isn’t something we join and it is there tomorrow. We can’t microwave brotherhood. We can’t open a box from Amazon and have brotherhood in an instant. Brotherhood takes an investment over years of intentional relationship building effort, sharing time and space with a select group of men. Do you want to become a father? Then begin building that brotherhood today so that trail, that tribe, and that tribute is there for you and so you can be there for others!
Audio Playerby City Life