When a verse in the Bible is not properly interpreted correctly, there are many possible
Break the Yoke Series – Part 1
When a verse in the Bible is not properly interpreted correctly, there are many possible
Mythbusting Part 9
At City Life we value the next generation. Books of the Bible like Proverbs speak again and again
Mythbusting Part 8
Tonight we keep rolling through our MYTHBUSTING series as we tackle the mythology and churchy
Holy Spirit Series – Pentecost Part Two
This two part sermon concludes the our series on the Holy Spirit. Whenever we teach on the Holy
Something New
Tonight was an exceptional night of God spontaneously speaking to our church about the season of
Mythbusting Part 7
The reason we have so many urban legends about the Devil is no doubt because the Bible doesn't tell
Living a Lazarus Life
Chances are, none of us will ever experience what happened to Lazarus. He was dead for four days
Mythbusting Part 6
Tonight we continue our Mythbusting series with a subject that hits close to home. We'll dig deep