Fundamentals. Think for a moment just how many activities are based on fundamentals. Driving,
Praxis – Pathway Principles, Part Two
Just as there are 12 Pathways, there are 12 Principles that govern those Pathways. Be sure to
Praxis – Pathways
What do we NOT teach our children in preschool? Well, we don’t teach them driving skills. We don’t
Praxis – Virtues
The more I become like Christ in virtue, the more I become like Him in deeds. When we look at the
Praxis – Judgment
You and I must decide what we believe is waiting for us after we die, because what we believe about
Campus Partners
If you listened to Pastor Fred's sermon last weekend "Foundations" then you heard some of our church
Coming back from our annual two week vacation and praying this week in the Sanctuary, I felt
Good Mourning
“How Great is Our God”… “The Blessing”… “See a Victory”… These are the songs that top the charts on
The Chorus of Beautiful
In the opening pages of Genesis, each day of creation ends with the common chorus "and God said it