When you stop and think about which beliefs are at the core of Christianity, what do you find? I would suggest that these seven are going to be there in some manner, maybe worded differently but I think you will agree these seven are central to the Christian faith: God is one, The Bible is true, The Cross is enough, Mankind is helpless, Jesus is life, Eternity is real, and The Church is central. What would you add? Would you replace any with something you consider to be even more vital? I think Christians have been asking these questions for centuries, and this series is intended to accomplish one simple goal…to challenge you to start asking different questions. What would happen if we started asking this question: How does my belief that _____________ inspire me to pursue a life that reveals God’s glory to the world around me? You fill in the blank with one of these seven or another core belief of Christianity. What would happen if we stopped wrestling with what we have already resolved in our hearts and minds to be true and started asking how those beliefs are changing the way I live, day to day, transforming my attitudes and actions? I think the world is tired of us trying to convince them that we are right and what they really need is a living witness to how the beliefs we hold sacred are transformational! This is Doxa. Welcome to our new sermon series!