The seven core beliefs of Christianity (our Doxa) instruct us where to be just as much as they teach us what to know. Do you have this elusive, lingering feeling of being out of place? If so, it might be because the seven core beliefs of Christianity have never moved passed a place of intellectual assent for you. Each week we are going to learn one word that is related to each of the seven core doctrines of Christianity. This one word speaks to a place we are invited into by the respective belief being examined. For example, week one we learned that “God is One” invites me into a place of TRUST with God. And when I am not in a place of TRUST with God, I will have a lingering feeling of being out of place. This week’s message will focus on the core belief: The Bible is True. Let me challenge you with this idea, one we break down in this message…God didn’t create the Bible to be read; He wrote the Bible to recreate us! The Bible isn’t information. The Bible is transformation! I trust that by the conclusion of this message, your approach to spending time with the Bible during the week is going to dramatically change…because the Bible is going to start dramatically changing you!