We are excited to have with us tonight the National Operations Director for LINK in Niger, Pastor Edem Kanlekou. Pastor Fred met Pastor Edem in 2009 when Edem was working as a translator for a large 30 person team that spent a week in Niger on mission doing work ranging for mercy ministry, children’s ministry in orphanages, open air evangelism, and training for local pastors. LINK means: leading innovatively Niger to the Kingdom. The founder of LINK is our good friend Michael Thaler who is devoting his life to the work of bringing the hope of Jesus to people of Niger. In many ways, his dream for Niger is the same as our dream for the 757…he wants Jesus to be easy to find there! I hope you enjoy this inspiring message about being prepared for a higher purpose and that you plan to join us on a missions team to Niger by the end of 2023!