Will you untie your worship because the Lord has need of you? Last week we jumped into the story of the Triumphal Entry when Jesus tells the disciples that they will find a donkey tied to a tree and when someone asks why they are taking the donkey to reply, “The Lord has need of it.” Then we find the crowd that has gathered for Passover encamped around the city, a crowd that would have been in the thousands, shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus enters Jerusalem. I love both of these images…because together we are reminded that everything in our possession, even our praise, belongs to Jesus! So let me ask you again, will you untie your worship? Why? Because the Lord has need of you! That was last week, how God uses our public worship to impact others around us. Tonight we take it a step further. Not only does the Lord have need of us, but we have need of Him. You see, all our worship whether public or private is always personally impactful. Something happens in my heart when I realize God is using me to help others AND something happens in my heart when I simply find enjoyment standing in God’s gaze, that feeling that only comes from being seen by Him. So untie your praise…sing and dance before Him…that the world might see and so that you can know the joy of His smile over you!