In the film The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies we see Bard the bowman defeat Smaug the dragon with a single arrow. Why…because Smaug had a chink in his armor. He had a vulnerability of which he was unaware. As men and fathers, too often we move through our day naïve to our own vulnerabilities. We too have a gap in our armor. And that weakness is entitlement. We inherit this flaw from Eden and the original sin. Jesus Himself was tempted by Satan who was hoping to exploit Jesus’ humanity. Most if not all of our sin starts with the feeling of being entitled: I deserve to feel good, I deserve to have more, and I deserve to be known. In this message we will look at three fathers who succumbed to entitlement. Noah fell prey to “I deserve to feel good.” Solomon fell into sin through “I deserve to have more.” Moses struggled with “I deserve to be known.” But here is our hope men…just because we ARE flawed and HAVE failed doesn’t mean God sidelines us…He hasn’t given up on your destiny…don’t you do it either!
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