Psychology Today conducted a survey to learn which people preferred to hear first, good news or bad news? As you might expect, people overwhelmingly chose bad news. Why? Because there is a hope, and I would argue a reasonable hope, that the negative emotion created by the bad news can be somewhat assuaged by the good news. So in tonights message I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that all of us are going suffer hardship in this life, oftentimes more than we think we can endure, more than we feel is fair…more. The good news is that God has a plan for us to endure every hardship and this good news is the ultimate Good News! What does that mean? Well, you’ll just have to check out this message! We are going to work through the phrase we use to articulate the Good News: I am at one with God, rescued from myself, just as if I’m perfect, because Jesus paid it all. And as you’ll hear, we will learn how this declaration isn’t only God’s plan for our salvation but also the secret to enduring every hardship.