Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word form a sound with what is named. In Greek, one of the words that translates “to cry out” is “krazo” and is taken from the sound of a crow. If you have ever heard a crow then you know this is perfect, as their cry is both loud and persistent! Tonight’s message is the final installment in our Holy Roar series and although we have completed our study on the seven words translated as “praise,” we thought tonight would be best experienced as an opportunity to practice what we have learned. The sermon is shorter so as to create a worship experience for people to step into Psalmic praise. And just as with prior weeks, the sermon is designed to focus our praise. Is there something or someone in your life that has birthed a cry in your heart? Are you facing a situation that requires a divine intervention? As we will see in two Bible stories tonight, whether we are crying out in faith like blind Bartimaeus or crying out in fear like the disciples trapped in the storm, Jesus always comes when we cry out to Him! Let’s cry out to Him together tonight!