This series is based on the book Holy Roar which is in many ways a primer on the basics of psalmic worship. (If the term “psalmic worship” is new to you, then you will hear a basic definition at the start of this sermon.) But our intent has been to go beyond the study of the book. Each message in this series defines the unique Hebrew words that translate as “praise” in our English Bibles. The book Holy Roar takes those seven words and provides for us a practical understanding and an inspirational challenge to step into the practice of praise as described in Scripture, especially all the Psalms. But the topic of praise and worship in Scripture is far more extensive than just these seven Hebrew words. For example, this week in addition to talking about the expectation of praise that comes from the word “towdah” we challenge the idea that only people gifted in music are called to the consistent practice of praise. This message will attempt to differentiate between gifts/abilities that are unique for specific purposes and callings versus spiritual practices that should be present in every Christian’s life. And as you might expect, I am convinced we are all called and created to lift our voices to God in praise!
by City Life