Just as there are 12 Pathways, there are 12 Principles that govern those Pathways. Be sure to listen to last week’s message for the first six. The order isn’t important, just as long as you learn about all twelve. We covered six in Part One and tonight we will learn about six more. Without a language for discipleship, few people will excel in their desire to become more like Jesus. Much is at stake! The judgment of our deeds is awaiting us and without virtue, our Godly deeds will be lacking. And without the 12 Pathways, those virtues from which Godly deeds flow will be also be deficient. We work hard here at City Life to teach people the language of discipleship we share in common in our church with the hopes that not only will people learn that language but in doing so they will embrace the life of a disciple! Discipleship is what many refer to as spiritual formation, more commonly that means becoming like Jesus. Our belief is that Pathways produce Virtues and that Virtues produce Godly deeds. This is both the process and the outcome of discipleship, becoming like Jesus in character AND deed! Remember, Matthew 16 and Romans 2 both challenge us to consider that we will be judged according to our deeds…so let’s live to that end!
by City Life