Have you ever been complicit in a conflict? Meaning, have you ever joined in on a conflict and taken a side? Maybe the reason you took a side is because the conflict was about you! That’s our story today, the story we find in Acts 15 where Paul and Barnabas had such a sharp disagreement over John Mark joining them on their second missionary journey that it fractured their friendship. Then Silas chooses the side of Paul and John Mark chooses the side of Barnabas. Could they have approached this disagreement differently? Did they ever reconcile? Are there lessons we can learn from this story? Ultimately, the question this sermon is challenging us to consider is this: Can we walk in disagreement without standing in conflict? I trust you’ll find an answer to all these questions in this message and some vital principles to follow the next time you face a disagreement! Christians should be leading the way when it comes to conflict resolution, unfortunately we are failing as we refuse to heed the counsel of Scripture that should compel our attention!
by City Life