Our enemy, the devil, knows he can’t discredit our message so he does the next best thing, discredit the messenger! Fatigue is one of the devil’s best schemes to destroy our character. We all have warning signs that we aren’t getting the rest we need and more often than not those warning signs are things like irritability, selfishness, and an overall lack of kindness. Our character fails when our minds and bodies are tired. Have you ever noticed that when the world was still perfect, before the very first sin entered the world in Eden that rest was part of God’s creation? Have you ever considered that of all the experiences we read about in Scripture during Adam and Eve’s time in the garden that are beyond our grasp…rest is not one of them? Every time we embrace a Sabbath, we create space for Eden today! In this two part series we will examine why there is so much confusion surrounding the Biblical concept of rest, learn about the word “sabbatismos,” discover there actually 4 types of Biblical rest according to Hebrews 4, listen to some of Jesus’s words about Sabbath, test our cultural attitude toward rest, and finally look at 8 practical steps to move toward a weekly Sabbath. And before you listen to this series, go take a nap!
by Justin White