"Mo money mo problems" wasn't a new concept ushered in by 90's hip hop. Two thousand years previous,
Autumn on the Mount Part 6
The Our Father has gone down in history as "The Lord's Prayer," but "The Disciple's Prayer" is
Autumn on the Mount Part 5
"Your holiness must exceed that of the Pharisees, or you'll never make it into Heaven." This is a
Autumn on the Mount Part 4
If the Beatitudes open the Sermon on the Mount showing us the character of a disciple, the analogy
Autumn on the Mount Part 2
Prior to the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' kingdom manifesto, he opens his ministry crying out
Autumn on the Mount
History is littered with speeches of great significance- ones that have lifted spirits in dark
Finish Line Faith
"The wall" is an onslaught of exhaustion that can strike and discourage even the best of runners. It
Road Rules Part 7
In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus invites us into the "unforced rhythms of grace," a beautiful balance
Road Rules Part 6
We won't admit it, but we're all hoarders. For most of us, the longer we live at one address the