In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus invites us into the "unforced rhythms of grace," a beautiful balance
Road Rules Part 6
We won't admit it, but we're all hoarders. For most of us, the longer we live at one address the
Road Rules Part 5
As the popular saying goes, "heroes are made, not born." But for every hero, there is almost always
Road Rules Part 4
"Righteous anger" can be a tricky term. It's tricky because it is often used as an excuse to step
Road Rules Part 3
"Are we there yet??" It's the common cry of people on road trips eager to get to their destination.
Road Rules Part 2
Guardrails are highly useful. And it didn't take a driver's license or running into one for me to
Road Rules
The call to follow Jesus is a call to movement, momentum, and maturity. Yet there are many people
Culture Shift Part 3
Tomorrow I fly with a team to the Dominican Republic, and one of our layovers will be at Atlanta's
Father’s Day 2018
On Father's Day our celebration of fathers is often sobered by the present reality that 1 in 3