"You're a good, good father... [and] you are perfect in all of your ways." These are words the
No Ordinary Man
Great stories that captivate us aren't always the ones about galaxies far far away or cosmic battles
The Chorus of Beautiful
In the opening pages of Genesis, each day of creation ends with the common chorus "and God said it
Affective Conversion
Affective Conversion happens when a person steps into personal responsibility for their emotional
Trust Issues
“For better or worse… for richer or for poorer… in sickness and in health.” Countless couples have
Holy Roar – Halal & Shabach
What is the soundtrack to your life? If there was an album composed of various tracks for various
The Story – New Creations
In the Gospel of John, it is made clear from the outset (John 1:12-13, John 3:3) that Jesus is
Father’s Day Weekend
Are you a dad? Is being a father one of your responsibilities in life? If yes, then never forget
The Story – Eternal Life
When we conjure up thoughts and ideas about eternal life and Heaven, our thoughts often drift to