If you're an 80's or 90's baby, chances are you remember Choose Your Own Adventure books. Their
Our Loudest Witness – Ministry
Ministry... our best effort! Thank you for joining us as we continue our four part series that is
Immanuel: Is Your Joy Complete?
There's a lot of talk of joy around Christmas. Joyful all ye nations rise. Echoes of joyous strains.
Shalom: Peace With God
First century people who professed faith in Jesus as the Messiah were identified by names that
Conversations: Jesus And Peter
How do we forgive well? In life we will be hurt by others, and we will have to forgive others. So
Conversations: The Blind Man At Bethsaida
God spoke us into existence and we– created in his image– were created to speak and converse. And
Conversations: Cain
What does it mean when the Bible says that man was created in God's image? Speculation abounds, but
Shema Series: Affective Conversion
Affective Conversion happens when a person steps into personal responsibility for their emotional
Shema Series: Religious Conversion
In the Hebrew language, there is not a separate word for both hear and obey. They are two sides of