Salvation. Eternal life. Kingdom living. They're three phrases often used for the same
Easter and salvation for many has become about Jesus punching our ticket into Heaven. Jesus is
Easter and salvation for many has become about Jesus punching our ticket into Heaven. Jesus is
A Tale of Two Simons
As we work our way through Holy Week and into Easter we encounter two Simons- Simon Peter and Simon
This weekend we'll start a three week look at the Transfiguration, an inexplicably wild episode
Mythbusting Part 10
We close out our MYTHBUSTING series with a cliché as prolific as any: "forgive and forget."
Mythbusting Part 9
At City Life we value the next generation. Books of the Bible like Proverbs speak again and again
Mythbusting Part 8
Tonight we keep rolling through our MYTHBUSTING series as we tackle the mythology and churchy
Mythbusting Part 7
The reason we have so many urban legends about the Devil is no doubt because the Bible doesn't tell