What’s your favorite movie or story? Now think about this… Why is it your favorite? Whatever your reason, I doubt you’d say… “I like it because it works.” Although it’s probably true that a story or movie has to be functional before it can be anything more than that, I would say it’s usually the more that causes us to fall in love with our favorites. Is that so with The Story of the gospel?
In tonight’s sermon we talk about one element of the gospel that often gets boiled down to its functionality: forgiveness. The forgiveness we receive because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross accomplishes something deeply necessary for us… it releases us from the shame, guilt, and enslavement of our sin, and assures us that we will be accepted into heaven one day. But there’s even more to the story! The beauty of Christ’s forgiveness of our sins is that it also invites us into eternal relationship with the Creator of the universe, it renames the categories that cause us to see one another as enemies, and it remakes the whole universe into something gloriously new! Join us as we dig into the fullness of forgiveness and discover that there’s more to the story!