I have come to realize that we are all ill-prepared for how disruptive Jesus is in our lives. He dismantles. If the only image we have of Jesus is that of an elderly grandmother always comforting our inner-child, we might not recognize Him when He shows up in our lives with goggles, a hard hat, and a sledge hammer! We need Jesus to dismantle…to disrupt! This little mini-series is going to tackle a few practices that can feel like disruption bombs exploding in our lives. Are you ready for Jesus to do some demolition in your life regarding the pace of your life? If you are not presently practicing a weekly Sabbath, it may very well be because the last time you attempted to get into a life rhythm that included a weekly Sabbath that your life felt completely upside down – disrupted. And because we are unfamiliar with the feeling of disruption in relation to Jesus, we too quickly retreat back into our old patterns that neglect our need for a weekly Sabbath. This message will talk about Sabbath, what Scripture says, why it still belongs in Christianity, and some practical steps to help you deal with the disruption of Sabbath until you can establish a new rhythm in life that includes the rest God intended.
by City Life