What is something that feels second nature to you now but at first felt awkward? Thank about that for a moment…how about driving, playing a sport, tying your shoes, etc. So many of the tasks we perform regularly that require some degree of dexterity at first felt extremely awkward. The same is true with a life rhythm. In fact, I would suggest that people struggle just as much with Jesus’ demands for change in life rhythms as His demands for change for moral excellence. An example of moral excellence would Jesus reminding us that sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage. Another example would be that stealing is wrong. Where a life rhythm change for you might be attending church more consistently or reading your Bible regularly. I would imagine as you reflect on your own life, maybe you have conquered many of the demands of moral excellence but are still struggling to find the right rhythms of life that follow Jesus’ example and Bible instruction. Tonight’s message picks up this conversation in part two of Enter In to His Rhythm and discusses both internal and external resistance we face as we strive to be more in step with Jesus.